Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Immortals: The Crossing by Joy Nash

Immortals: The Crossing is the sixth book in the Immortals series. This series is unusual because the books are written by three different authors. Joy Nash's previous book in the series was Immortals: The Awakening. Although I think you should read the books in order for maximum pleasure (and who doesn't want maximum pleasure?) I think it matters less for this book than others.

We first met the hero of this book, Manannan mac Lir (known as Mac), in Immortals: The Awakening but he has changed a lot since that book. I thought the author did a good job of explaining how and why he changed and she made me sympathize with him. I didn't sympathize quite as much with the heroine, Artemis Black. Maybe it's because I'm not a mother. She did some really bad things, all justified because she was trying to save her son's life. I thought Mac deserved someone better.

I did enjoy the story itself. Much of it takes place in Hell, which is certainly unusual, and it was very interesting, with elements of humor and suspense. Once they get to Hell, the pace is swift and the threads all come together at the end in a most satisfying and emotional way.

I'll rate this book 7.5 out of 10 and look forward to reading more by Joy Nash.

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